The Ultraphonix Overdrive is designed to re-create the overdrive produced by a Dumble™ Overdrive Special amplifier. Using a sample size of four generations of Overdrive Special amplifiers from 1970-1990 to voice and calibrate the pedal, the Ultraphonix is more than able to provide the D*style overdrive to any clean amp platform.
ReviewsTotal (48)
Lalchhan Bawitlung
Lalchhan Bawitlung
Bruce L Anderson
Josh Moore
Randall Ireland
Marcel Merrix Stannard
Tormod Antonsen
Jon B
Jackson Gillies
Henryk Chrostek
rolo polino
Justin Williamson
Keith Cavoto
John Clarke
Evgen Kunichkin
Van Ramos
Tom Sutton
Garry Cheung
Michael Stewart
Vaibhav Mittal VaMi
Lake Jiroudek
Tim Yanes
Tony Mag
Dany Deguita
Tim Lee
John Eremic
Raffaele Bellan
Brian Melsom
Fred Martucci
Mike Robbins
Armond H
Johnny Blood
Jeniffer Takada
Koeman Hawkins
Hector Hernandez
Jimmy Troccoli
Frank Jones
Hiroyuki Kimura
Abraham Cummings
Brian Towell
Wayne P.
Stephen Bradley
Bob B.
Rolf Blans
Nate T
Woody Leduc